Water filtration technology continues to evolve. As advancements are made in these technologies, they’re more capable of addressing the water contamination issues the world faces. Without the correct infrastructure, contaminated drinking water is capable of coming into contact with certain bacteria that can cause serious illness to those who erroneously drink it. Even in the most rural settings, sources of local water can be contaminated by bacteria and parasites. This water then has the possibility of infiltrating ours homes and infecting our families. This post will detail the types of contaminants that families should be educated about.
First things first, every family should invest in some sort of treatment process for their locally sourced water. As mentioned previously, families living in a more rural landscape are left impacted by sources of local water becoming contaminated. In most instances, this contamination is nearly impossible to stop. For example, a single rainy night can lead to the fecal remains of nearby farm fields finding their way into local rivers and streams. Before the family knows it, their water supply can become infected with E. coli, a bacteria that has been known to cause symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea. Another example of possible harm as a result of this contamination is through the home’s air conditioning system. Without proper maintenance or investigation, it’s possible that these systems could become breeding grounds for another water contaminant, Legionella. This bacteria has been known to enter the respiratory system and lead to Legionnaires disease which typically leads to respiratory problems in individuals who contract it.
While these examples are dangerous, they’re more isolated incidents. Unfortunately, there are a much larger number of contaminants that can pose threats to families if they’re not careful. Below you’ll find an additional list of the contaminants to be prepared for:
Giardia Lamblia: families unsure of the quality of their water should be weary of this parasite. Unclean water can lead to infection. When infected, this parasite begins reproduction in the infected’s small intestine, which will give its host giardiasis. This condition includes symptoms of diarrhea, stomach cramps and even fevers.
Salmonella: families that include reptilian pets should be most weary of this bacteria. These reptilian creatures are one of the best middle men for passing this bacteria on to their owners. Once infected, it’s been known to cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms. The family lizard doesn’t need to be evicted, though. Remember to properly wash your hands with soap after coming into contact with any reptilian pet or any of its surrounding area.
Pseudomonas: similarly to Legionella, this pathogen runs rampant in the plumbing systems of many homes. It’s important for this reason to have water-based utility systems frequently checked. If not, being infected with this pathogen can cause a wide range of illnesses; from pneumonia all the way to sepsis.
Interested in learning more about these different types of bacteria and how they can creep into your home? Check out the infographic paired alongside this post.
Chris Ebener is a mechanical engineer for LiquiTech, with a proven track record of diagnosing and remediating public water system issues of various sizes and complexity. Ebener is an expert on the biochemical makeup of facility water systems, system architecture and various methodologies of public drinking water treatment.