Posted on: December 28, 2021 Posted by: Alison Lurie Comments: 0
4 Common Mistakes Made During Sod Installation

Whether you are hiring professionals or you are someone who’d like to try a bit of DIYs’ these mistakes smust be prevented by you at all costs. Installation of sod is not a difficult task however, it does require attention to details. By taking care of small details, you’ll be able to get that expected final look of your lawn. Here are some tips from the experts on sod installation.

Fertilize The Soil

Soil prep is one of the most important steps in sod installation. Make sure that you go for a soil test too which is an important part of soil prep. This test shall determine the pH level of your soil. Grass would prefer soil with a neutral pH for its growth. This is why your soil test is really helpful. However, some grass may require a different pH. You may consult the supplier for this information.

Deliver Your Sod OnTime

Sod installation involves multiple steps and can take a little time before you start laying your sod. When your sod is delivered, it is alive due to the turfgrass in the small layer of soil beneath it. However, this turfgrass will overheat soon and start decomposing. So, it is important that your delivery time matches with the time you’ll be installing the sod.

Top 8 Mistakes DIY that Artificial Lawn Installers Make

Laying The Sod

Laying the sod unevenly is one mistake that is mentioned a lot. However, laying your sod too evenly is another mistake which is not mentioned everywhere. Leaving gaps leads to uneven patterns and bald spots in your lawn. However, in order to prevent this, some homeowners lay the sod too close which leads to overlapping and unevening. Cutting the strips shorter is an ideal way to create the most fine pattern. Experts for Sod installation downriver Michigan know exactly how to tackle such problems.

Watering Problems

Watering your Sod in time is very necessary to make sure that the grass is healthy and grows well. Once your Sod is unrolled, it will dry out quicker than before. It is necessary to water it within thirty minutes of laying it down. Watering in time is one problem that requires attention. Another is watering deeply enough. It is important for your Sod to be watered deeply enough for the first two weeks. Sprinkler is a better choice for watering your newly laid Sod. It offers better soaking capacity to the Sod.