Posted on: May 8, 2024 Posted by: Alison Lurie Comments: 0
moissanite diamonds

Introduction to Moissanite Diamonds

Moissanite diamonds, often referred to simply as moissanite, have been gaining popularity as a stunning alternative to traditional diamonds. But what exactly are moissanite diamond, and why are they becoming a preferred choice for engagement rings and other jewelry pieces?

What is Moissanite?

1. Origins of Moissanite

Moissanite is a naturally occurring mineral that was first discovered by French chemist Henri Moissan in 1893. Initially mistaken for diamonds, it was later determined to be silicon carbide (SiC) and named in honor of Moissan.

2. Properties of Moissanite

  • Hardness: Moissanite ranks 9.25 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making it one of the hardest known substances, second only to diamonds.
  • Brilliance: Moissanite exhibits exceptional brilliance and fire, often surpassing that of diamonds.
  • Color: Natural moissanite is colorless, but it can also occur in shades such as yellow, green, and blue due to trace elements.

How Moissanite Differs from Diamonds

1. Composition

  • Chemical Makeup: While both moissanite and diamonds are made of carbon, moissanite consists of silicon carbide, whereas diamonds are composed solely of carbon atoms.

2. Optical Properties

  • Brilliance and Fire: Moissanite typically exhibits more fire and brilliance than diamonds, meaning it disperses light into spectral colors more effectively.
  • Color: Diamonds can have various colors, lab created diamonds, including colorless, whereas moissanite is generally colorless but can exhibit slight hues under certain lighting conditions.

Advantages of Choosing Moissanite

1. Affordability

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Moissanite is significantly more affordable than diamonds of comparable size and quality, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers.
  • Value for Money: With its brilliance and durability, moissanite offers excellent value for money, allowing individuals to enjoy the beauty of a diamond-like gem without breaking the bank.

2. Ethical Considerations

  • Conflict-Free: Unlike diamonds, which may be associated with ethical concerns such as conflict mining, moissanite is produced in controlled laboratory environments, ensuring ethical sourcing.

3. Environmental Impact

  • Sustainable Production: The creation of moissanite in laboratories minimizes environmental impact compared to traditional diamond mining, which involves significant land disturbance and resource consumption.

Common Myths About Moissanite Diamonds

1. Myth: Moissanite is “Fake” Diamond

  • Reality: While moissanite is not a diamond, it is a naturally occurring mineral with its own unique properties, making it a genuine gemstone in its own right.

2. Myth: Moissanite Fades Over Time

  • Reality: Moissanite is highly durable and resistant to scratching, chipping, and fading, ensuring its longevity and beauty for years to come.

How to Choose the Perfect Moissanite

1. Consider Cut and Shape

  • Brilliance Enhancement: Opt for well-cut moissanite stones to maximize brilliance and fire, enhancing their visual appeal.

2. Assess Color and Clarity

  • Color Grading: Choose a moissanite with minimal color undertones for a more diamond-like appearance.
  • Clarity: Look for moissanite stones with high clarity grades to ensure optimal transparency and brilliance.

Maintenance and Care Tips for Moissanite Jewelry

1. Cleaning and Storage

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean moissanite jewelry using mild soap and warm water, and store it separately from other jewelry pieces to prevent scratching.

2. Avoid Harsh Chemicals

  • Chemical Exposure: Avoid exposing moissanite to harsh chemicals, such as chlorine and bleach, which can dull its brilliance over time.


In conclusion, moissanite diamonds offer a stunning alternative to traditional diamonds, with their exceptional brilliance, durability, and affordability. Whether you’re looking for an ethical and sustainable choice or simply seeking excellent value for money, moissanite is a gemstone worth considering for your jewelry collection. With proper care and maintenance, moissanite jewelry can retain its beauty and sparkle for generations to come. Explore the world of moissanite diamonds and discover the perfect gemstone for your unique style and preferences.